Hernias are a complexing problem for the world, mainly because people do not know all the repair options available. According to Medtronic, over five million people are dealing with hernias each year. Of these instances, nine out of every ten get found in males.
In this article, we explain the following questions and topics:
- What is a hernia?
- What kind of doctor repairs hernias?
- What is a good hernia doctor to visit in the Dallas – Fort Worth area?
- When should you go to the doctor for a hernia?
- What happens if a hernia is left untreated?
- Can you push a hernia back in?
- Can you die from a hernia?
- What hernia surgery entails
- Hernia surgery cost
- Whether or not insurance covers hernia surgery
What is a Hernia?
A hernia occurs when the abdominal muscle outer wall experiences a tear or weakness. The abdominal muscle wall serves an essential function because it protects the inner lining of the abdomen as well as the organs within it. When a hernia happens, it forces the lining to protrude outward and create a pouch.
Most people think that hernias derive from a specific cause or activity, but that is not the case. People are born with a weakness in their abdomen, which causes it to give away after prolonged use.
Inguinal Hernia
An inguinal hernia is when the intestines or bladder get pressured through the inguinal canal in the groin or the abdominal wall section next to the groin area. The inguinal wall is a location where the spermatic cord connects the abdomen to the scrotum in men.
For women, it holds the ligament that supports the uterus. This kind of hernia occurs in almost 96% of the cases.
Hiatal Hernia
The hiatal hernia gets associated with diaphragm complications. This case occurs when the hernia causes the stomach to stick out and interfere with your diaphragm, which is the muscle that works to separate your abdomen from your chest.
Hiatal hernias are less common but usually affect those with obesity and over the age of 50.
Hernia Symptoms that Warrant Medical Attention
The biggest question among who deal with this issue is:
When should you go to the doctor for a hernia to get it treated or diagnosed?
Only 20% of people end up taking this step because they do not understand all the options.
Another concern is that some hernias have no symptoms. But if you do have symptoms they normally include:
- Weakness in the area overall
- A dull ache
- Pressure
- Tingling
- Heaviness
- Burning feeling in the abdomen, scrotum, or groin
Things could also get worse for your hernia if you stand upwards for extended periods, lift heavy objects or children, participating in physical activity or sports, or experience lower bowel movement.
Apart from the various symptoms you might feel, it is also crucial to look at your body.
Look for softer bulges that are located in your scrotum or groin area. You will usually be able to push it back in with gentle pressure, or it will go away when you lie down. The bulge might become more significant gradually when you strain, cough, lift or bend.
Best Type of Medical Professional to Address and Perform on a Hernia
Once you determine the right time to get treated, you need to find the best hernia doctor. Primary care doctors usually diagnose and treat most hernias from the beginning, but definitive treatment will mean surgery.
But what kind of doctor repairs hernias?
Depending on location, the hernia surgery and repair will get performed by a general surgeon. These doctors completed medical school and received five years of intensive training in surgery and learning the anatomy of the body.
They are highly knowledgeable about the different strategies to fix a hernia.
Finding the best hernia doctor, for both regular and umbilical cases, is an important step in the process.
So, what is the name of a hernia specialist?
When you look for the best hernia doctor in the Dallas – Fort Worth area, a trustworthy name for a specialist is John Bayouth, MD. He is a general surgery doctor that performs work at the DFW Metroplex.
To contact his office for an appointment or consultation for any hernia-related issues or problems, call (817) 601-7736.
Consequences of Not Seeking Medical Attention for a Hernia
So, what happens if a hernia is left untreated?
Most people think that a hernia will go away itself, but that is not the case.
If a hernia is left untreated, the tear will get bigger. As the damage becomes more substantial, you will need a more complicated and elaborate surgery to fix it.
As you continue to ignore the hernia, discomfort, or pressure can transform into a pain. This feeling has the potential to carry into the back, hip, leg, and even genitals.
Some people ask: can you push a hernia back in?
If you develop a reducible hernia, it can get pushed back into the original opening that it traveled through, but this does not fix the issue.
For irreducible hernias, it is a different story. This type occurs when the abdominal tissues fill the hernia sac. As the pain of a hernia increases, the protruding loop of the intestine or tissue can become stuck outside of the abdominal wall muscle. When this event happens, a hernia can no longer get pushed back inside.
Can you die from a hernia?
Your life may be at risk if you start to experience a strangulated hernia. When a portion of the organ or tissue gets tucked inside the hernia, the blood supply gets cut off.
With an absence of blood supply, the trapped tissue will swell up, decease, and get infected.
There are multiple signs when the hernia is life-threatening, and it is time for you to go to the emergency room.
You will begin to have a fever, experience chills, nausea, or vomiting, see blood in your stool, or can no longer pass gas. The bulge will start to turn purple, dark, or red.
What Happens During the Surgical Operation for a Hernia?
The goal of hernia surgery, also known as herniorrhaphy, is to return the altered tissues to their original, proper place. The hernia repair doctor sews a surgical mesh patch across the infected or weakened region of the tissue. The hernia usually gets fixed through a hole that gets sewn into the muscle wall, which closes it.
The type of surgery performed by the hernia repair doctor is either open surgery or laparoscopic.
For the minimally invasive option, laparoscopic is chosen. When the intestines migrate into the scrotum, open surgery is the best strategy.
You can expect a recovery time of about six weeks after the operation.
Do urologists treat hernias?
When a hernia occurs, the fluid occupies a sac in the scrotum within the penis in the inguinal canal. The urologist will repair this area by sewing the canal shut and fixing the muscle ring.
Do all hernias need surgery?
In some cases of reducible hernias, surgery might not be the option that is needed. The hernia will be able to get pushed back into its original opening. But if the problem causes excruciating pain or grows in size, the doctor will suggest operating.
What Does Hernia Surgery Cost?
Depending on the size and complexity of the operation, the hernia surgery cost can range from $5,800 to $10,000.
According to amino.com, the average price is $7,743. A good reminder is to call the medical center or office where you are getting the surgery. Ask them for an estimate of what you will need to pay after your insurance company pays its amount.
Does insurance cover hernia surgery?
Your insurance company will most likely be able to cover your expenses for the operation but make sure to call them and find out all details. Also, remember to read the necessary information about what your surgery insurance will cover.
Conclusion: Stay Educated and Be Aware of Hernia Signs
Hernias are dangerous because most people don’t know when it is time to ask for help. Finding the best hernia doctor can be an easy process if you know how to research.
Always stay curious and pay attention to the various symptoms and sightings of a hernia.
As you can see, if this pain is brushed off, it can lead to painful and dire consequences. You will thank yourself for seeking extra information and resources instead of trying to bear the discomfort and uncertainty on your own.